Current Issue

Issue: 10, 12/31/24

Year: 2024

Turkish Journal of Military History aims to make a visionary contribution to military history researches in Türkiye, publish new types of studies and become an academic focal point for experience and field-based studies regarding military history. 

Turkish Journal of Military History accepts Turkish and English articles related to military history, history of warfare, weapon culture, military biography, history of military organization, military culture, military theories, history of military music, history of medicine, military architecture and military art history. All military history publications about any region of the World are to be evaluated without any regional distinction.

Formatting Principles for Articles
1. The publication language of Turkish Journal of Military History is Turkish and English. The texts submitted shall be clear and understandable, and be in line with scientific criteria in terms of language and expression.
2. The article submitted shall have minimum of 6000 words and maximum of 12,500 words including abstract, summary, bibliography, and footnotes. The articles which are below the minimum or above the maximum counts of words are returned to the authors without being evaluated.
3. The articles shall be submitted with the abstract no longer than 200 words and five keywords. The abstract shall include the purpose, method, hypothesis/question, and findings of the article and present the conclusion reached in the article shortly. The article shall also have a summary no longer than 750 words at the end of the text. The summary shall include the points and arguments, which are considered to emphasize and the general outline of the article, in addition to the points pointed out in the abstract.
4. Articles submitted to Turkish Journal of Military History shall be written using the program Microsoft Word in 12 font size in the text and 10 font size in the footnotes. Paragraph properties of the text shall be aligned and line spacing of single line and paragraph properties of the footnotes shall be aligned and line spacing of 1 line. The page numbers shall be at the bottom of the page.
5. Name of the author shall be placed under the title of the article; his/her title, place of duty and e-mail address shall be indicated in the footnote with (*) in 10 font size. Footnotes for other explanations shall be provided in numbers at the bottom of the page. The article shall have two-level subheadings and these subheadings shall be written bold and numbered (except for the introduction and conclusion).
6. Citations in the text shall be shown with double quotes (“...”) and citations with more than three lines shall be written as a new paragraph as a 1,25 cm indent from the left, singled spaced and aligned paragraph. Citations within citations shall be shown with a single quote (‘...’). The words to be emphasized within the text shall not be written in bold or underlined but shall be written with double quotes (“...”).
7. The references to the resources used in the article shall be made according to the guidelines presented below. Articles, which do not comply with these guidelines, will be rejected directly.
8. Multiple references for the same publication shall be made by fully complying with the guidelines below in the first reference and then by using the name and surname, title of the study and page number shall be used without indicating date and place.
9. The references in the footnotes shall be written as follows:
9.1. For references to the archive documents, the archive and classification name shall be given exactly in the first use. The following archival references shall be given with abbreviations, the file number and the date in accordance with the following examples.
Genelkurmay Askeri Tarih ve Stratejik Etüt Başkanlığı Arşivi (=ATASE), Osmanlı Rus Harbi (=ORH). 1/7/616, 14 Mayıs 1293 [26 Mayıs 1877].
ATASE, ORH. 6/137, 9 Temmuz 1293 [21 Temmuz 1877].
9.2. For references to the books, name and surname of the author, name of the book, (volume number, if available), (translator, if any), publisher, the place of publication, date of publication and page number shall be given in accordance with the following examples.
Books with single author:
Nikolai Epanchin, Operations of General Gurko’s Advance Guard in 1877, Londra 1900, s. 172-174.
Books with two authors:
Gültekin Yıldız ve Cevat Şayin, Osmanlı Askerî Tarihini Araştırmak: Yeni Kaynaklar Yeni Yaklaşımlar, Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, İstanbul 2012, s. 11-14.
Books with more than two authors:
Mustafa Aydın vd., Uluslararası İlişkilerde Çatışmadan Güvenliğe, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul 2015, s. 79.
Translated books:
Carl Schmitt, Kara ve Deniz, çev. Gültekin Yıldız, Vakıfbank Kültür Yayınları, İstanbul 2018, s. 61.
Multiple-volume books:
Henry Montague Hozier, Russo-Turkish War: Including an Account of the Rise and Decline, c. 4, William Mackenzie, Londra 1878, s. 633.
9.3. For references to the articles, name and surname of the author, “name of the article” (translator, if any), name of the periodical in which it is published, issue no. (year of publication), volume, page number of the reference given shall be given in accordance with the following examples.
Article with one author:
Necati Tacan, “1877-1878 Osmanlı-Rus Seferinde Türk Sevk ve İdaresinde Sevkulceyşi Hatalar: Başkomutanlık”, Askerî Mecmua, Sayı 107 (Aralık 1937), c. 8, s. 755-759.

Editorial book article:
Ahmet Sefa Özkaya, “Kültür Tasnifi ve Türk Askerî Kültürüne Giriş”, Türk Askerî Kültürü: Tarih, Strateji, İstihbarat, Teşkilat, ed. Ahmet Sefa Özkaya, Kronik Yayınları, İstanbul 2019, s. 20.
Proceedings book article:
Uğur Demir, “Üsküdar’da Avrupalı Bir Diplomat Avusturya Elçisi Virmont Kontu Damian Hugo’nun 1719’da Ağırlanması”, Uluslararası Üsküdar Sempozyumu 21-24 Kasım 2014, c. 8, (İstanbul 2015), s. 223.
Encyclopedia article:
Kemal Beydilli, “Süleyman Hüsnü Paşa”, Diyanet İslam Ansiklopedisi, İstanbul 2010, c. 38, s. 90-91.
9.4. For reference to the theses, no italics shall be used for titles of non-published theses. Name and surname of the author, name of thesis, degree of the thesis, institution or institute to which the thesis is presented, place and date of the thesis, page number shall be given in accordance with the following example. Ahmet Taşdemir, An Example of Strategic Command and Coordination Problem in the Ottoman Army: The Battle of Shipka during the Ottoman-Russian War of 1877-1878, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara 2021, s. 150.
10. Citations in the bibliography shall be given with the surname of the author in capital letters. The rest of the citation shall be the same as the footnote. The page numbers of books shall not be given. If the research is in a book, the page numbers shall be included. Research in the bibliography shall be given as follows: Archival Sources, Primary Sources, Secondary Sources, Periodicals (Newspapers) and reports.
11. Attachments shall be presented at the end of the text and brief information as to the content and source of the document shall be presented at the bottom of it. Tables and figures (including graphics) may be presented within the text of the article as well as in the attachments. If they are to be presented within the text of article, tables and figures shall be organized and numbered according to their own types (e.g. Table: 1, Figure: 1, etc). Along with the number of the table or figure, an informative title for the table or the figure shall be written on the top centre of it. If tables, figures, graphics or pictures are quoted from somewhere else, the source shall be referenced.
12. Bibliography shall be sorted alphabetically and according to their types of sources (books, articles, internet sources, etc.) in a bibliography at the end of the article. The entries of the bibliography shall be written by putting the surname of the author first (IN CAPITAL LETTERS) and then name of the author; then all the other information of the sources shall be included as done in the references.

Articles submitted to Turkish Journal of Military History shall not be previously published and shall be authentic in a way that it will contribute to the literature of the relevant field. Articles, which are descriptive expect for the stated parameters in the “Publication Ethics and Evaluation Process” or which are repetitive in their field, will not be taken into evaluation. Articles based on presentations submitted in scientific meetings may be accepted for evaluation, provided that they have not been published in the proceedings of the meetings and that the authors inform the editors so. The ethics policies and submission guidelines are written by taking into account the guidelines and policies of the Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE). More information on publication principles, relations with authors and relations with referees is stated under the relevant subheadings on the website of our Journal. If the article submitted to the Journal’s e-mail address complies with the formatting principles presented below and is found to be eligible in terms of subject/field, it is sent to (at least two) referees who are experts in the field. The Authors may re-submit their articles revised according to the reports of peer-reviewers or editors. If the article is considered to be ill-revised, it is rejected and the process is over. If the article is considered to be revised properly, it is taken as a newly submitted article into the process. Authors, who send articles in a foreign language to the Journal, are obliged to get their work proofread by a native speaker academic who is considered as an expert in their field and to provide an evidence of this proofreading. The proofreading process may also be carried out by the editors of the Journal by out-sourcing a native speaker, provided that the payment for proof-reading is paid by the author. Opinions expressed in the articles published in the Journal are the personal scientific evaluations of the authors and are not, in any way, the institutional views or opinions of their own organizations/institutes or the Fatih Institute of Military History or Turkish National Defence University. The authors whose articles have been published in Turkish Journal of Military History are considered as natural peer-reviewers of the Journal and they are obliged to perform a peer-review at least once upon the request of the Editors.

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